Americans, by and large, seem to be as ignorant about (and as indifferent towards) Jerome as the British. During 2009, the 150th anniversary of Jerome’s birth, only one UK national newspaper chose to run anything to mark the event. That exception was The Daily Telegraph who only sprang into action after they published my letter bemoaning the lack of interest in Jerome. They dispatched, at my suggestion, a reporter – the fragrant Celia Walden (now sadly married to Piers Morgan) – to Walsall to see if anyone had ever heard of its most famous son. The results were predictably depressing. Interestingly, the only two countries to have contributed to the sesquicentenary in their national press were Russia and Czechoslovakia where Jerome is, clearly, more highly regarded.
Interesting links
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- 02. Barbara. A Play in One Act
- 03. The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
- 04. When Greek Meets Greek
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- 06. Fennel. A New Romantic Play
- 07. Playwriting: a Handbook for Would-be Dramatic Authors
- 08. Stage-land
- 09. Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog)
- 10. Told After Supper
- Jerome In Words
- 11. Diary of a Pilgrimage
- 12. Weeds. A Story in Seven Chapters.
- 13. Novel Notes
- 14. John Ingerfield, and Other Stories
- 15. My First Book
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- 16. The Prude’s Progress
- 17. Biarritz
- 18. Sketches in Lavender Blue and Green
- 19. The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
- 20. Three Men on the Bummel
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- 21. Three Men on Wheels
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- 23. Miss Hobbs
- 24. Paul Kelver
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- 26. Woodbarrow Farm
- 27. Tommy and Co.
- 28. American Wives and Others
- 29. Idle Ideas in 1905
- 30. The Passing of the Third Floor Back and Other Stories
- The JKJ Society
- 31. The Passing of the Third Floor Back
- 32. The Angel and the Author – and Others
- 33. Fanny and the Servant Problem
- 34. They and I
- 35. The Passing of the Third Floor Back. An Idle Fancy in a Prologue, a Play and an Epilogue
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- 36. The Master of Mrs. Chilvers
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- 38. Malvina of Brittany
- 39. The Street of the Blank Wall and Other Stories
- 40. All Roads Lead to Calvary
- 41. Anthony John, a Biography
- 42. The Celebrity. A Play in three Acts
- 43. My Life and Times
- 44. The Soul of Nicholas Snyders
- 45. A Comment on Bicycles and Cycling Posters in the Nineties