ORIGINALLY POSTED BY RuthieG 12 October 2009, 13:53:18
I don’t know if you are aware of the Librivox recordings of various Jerome K. Jerome works. Librivox volunteers make audio recordings of public domain works and release the recordings free and without restrictions as MP3s.
These are in the catalogue so far:
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, read by Czechchris
Stage Land, read by David Muncaster
Tea-table Talk, read by Ruth Golding
They and I, read by Debra Lynn
Three Men in a Boat, read by various readers.
Three Men on the Bummel, read by Peter Yearsley, is also nearing completion.
There are also a few other items in short works collections. The complete listing (which, rather irritatingly, lists all the various sections of Idle Thoughts separately) may be found at this link.